My Little Red L        

 At night, Life knocks on my door
His blue velvet robe shivers
When he sees
My little red lantern sleeps on the floor
You fool!

I turn to Tenacity. She smiles and hands me
A sword.
When trees grow turquoise wheels
Shine the sword.

Courage sneers -
I suspect…
He points to the noir sky
Do you understand – there?
But I have my lantern and the sword.
Ha. You fool!

I glare at his large head with stormy hair,
While Life hovers over the seashore.
Outside, Rain drops her pear drums,
And snails crawl up the wall.

I sit across from Tenacity and Courage,
Our hands all reaching the cotton moon.
The blue velvet robe waves -
This is just the beginning…

My little red lantern sniffs
I hold her in my palms
Her cheeks warm
Precious mood.